H¹O is the only water additive that helps you safely detoxify and protect you from chronic inflammation damages.
H1O Helps Your Body

By eliminating excess toxicity, the body’s responses can be quieted and normal levels restored.

The body not only hydrates the cells with the water created but it also primes the detox pathways.

Increased toxins rob the body of resources that would be otherwise ulized for the transport and availability of oxygen.

Energy production in the body creates hydrogen. By removing excess hydrogen (toxicity) the body is able to produce more energy without stressing its systems.

Energy production in the body creates hydrogen. By removing excess hydrogen (toxicity) the body is able to produce more energy without stressing its systems.

When excess toxin load is eliminated rather than merely diluted, the body is able to operate more efficiently.
Everyday Athletes
SECUR Everyday
H¹O is an all-natural, dermatologist-tested formula that is so gentle on your skin yet incredibly powerful in the fight against skin inflammation.
Decorated Dallas Cowboys legend Darren Woodson was feeling the physical toll of a lengthy NFL career, marred by 12 surgeries – he truly embraced all the health benefits of SECUR.